2013 Publication
Covitt, B., Harris, C., Anderson, C.W. (2013, November). Evaluating scientific arguments with slow thinking. Science Scope, 37(3), 44-52. (download Paper)
Dauer, J., Miller, H., & Anderson, C.W. (in press). Conservation of energy: An analytical tool for student accounts of carbon-transforming processes. In R. Chen, A. Eisenkraft, D. Fortus, J. Krajcik, K. Neumann & A. Scheff (Eds.), Teaching and Learning of Energy in K-12 Education. New York: Springer. (download Paper)
Harris, C., Berkowitz, A., Doherty, J.,& Hartley, L. (2013). Exploring biodiversity's big ideas in your school yard. Science Scope. (download Paper)
Jin, H., Zhan, L. & Anderson, C. W. (2013). Developing a fine-grained learning progression framework for carbon-transforming processes.International Journal of Science Education.(Abstract on line )
Contact the author
for a copy of the published paper. Contact info: Hui Jin, Assistant Professor of Science Education, School of Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University, 1945 N High St., Columbus, OH 43221 hjin@ehe.osu.edu
Parker, J., de los Santos, E., and Anderson, C.W. (2013). What learning progressions on carbon-transforming processes tell us about how students learn to use the laws of conservation of matter and energy. Educacion Quimica, 24(4), 399-406. (download Paper)
Parker, J., de los Santos, E., and Anderson, C.W. (submitted 2013). What learning progressions tell us about students' ability to participate in the global climate change and biofuels debate. Submitted to American Biology Teacher. (download Paper)
Rice, J,. Doherty,J.H, & Anderson, C.W. (accepted for publication, 2013). Principles, First and Foremost: A Tool for Understanding Biological Processes. Journal of Colloge Science Teaching. (download Paper)
Presentations and Papers from the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, April 6-9, 2013
Anderson, C.W. (2013) Overview: Using Learning Progressions Research to Teach for Environmental Science Literacy. (download PPT)
Dauer. J., Miller, H., Anderson, C.W. (2013) An inquiry learning progression for carbon-transforming processes. (download PPT , Paper)
Kim, J., Zhan, L., Doherty. J., Anderson, C.W. (2013). Student Learning and Teaching Practices in Carbon-Transforming Process. (download PPT ,Paper)
Miller, H., Webster, A., Dauer, J., Anderson, C.W. (2013). Alternative Learning Trajectories Toward Understanding Matter and Energy in Socio-Ecological Systems. (download PPT, Paper)
Hartley, L., Doherty, J., Harris, C., Anderson, C.W., Berkowitz, A., Morre, J. (2013). Using scenario-based assessments to build a learning progression framework for reasoning about ecosystems. (download PPT , Paper)
Oleszkowicz, K., Doherty, J., J., Anderson, C.W. (2013). Designing Learning Progression Assessments that Assess Principles First. (download PPT , Paper)
Other NARST Presentations
Anderson, C.W. (2013) Public Trust for Science and Public Decisions about Climate Change. (download PPT)
Anderson, C.W. (2013) Some Good Books I Can Recommend. (download PPT)
Dauer, J. (2013) An inquiry learning progression for carbon-transforming processes. (download PPT)
Dauer, J., Miller. H., Anderson, C.W. (2013) Students’ inquiry and argumentation about carbon transforming processes. (download PPT, Paper)
Other Presentations
Anderson, C. W., and Parker, J. (2013, April 30). NGSS Crosscutting Concepts: Energy and Matter—Flows, Cycles, and Conservation. NSTA Web Seminar:Link to Website
Dauer, J., Miller, H., Anderson. C.W. (conference proceedings for a book chapter). Conservation of energy: An analytical tool for student accounts of carbon-transforming processes. Presented at the "Energy Summit: Developing a Framework for the Teaching and Learning of Energy" Michigan State University, December 15-17, 2012. (download Paper)