Environmental Literacy                                        

      Michigan State University

Site Map          


Home Page

Home page is a brief introduction of our project. More...


There are four Working strands in our project: Carbon group, Water group, Biodiversity and Evolution group, and Citizenship group. Each gourp works in one strand of Environmental Literacy.There are four webpages for each group: introduction, assessment, papers & presentations and teaching materials. More.....

Teaching Materials Teaching materials, including tools for principled reasoning, PowerPoint presentations, and application and inquiry activities at upper elementary, middle school, and high school levels. More.....
Assessments Assessment including written assessments and interviews that can be used to measure students’ levels of achievement in learning progressions before instruction and after instruction. More.....
Research Reports Research Papers are online and ready to be download. It includes papers, PPT files for our presentations, our posters, and ect. More....
Private Pages It includes most of our research files. User name and password are needed. More..
Contact Us If you are interested in our project or have any questions regarding our work, please contact us at envlit@msu.edu. You can also contact facilitators or people working in each of the groups. More....
Research Partners The research partners of our Environmental Literacy Project are AAAS Project 2061, Long Term Ecological Research (LTER), Northwestern University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Michigan.








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