Michigan State University
Home Page |
Home page is a brief introduction of our project. More... |
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Strands | There are four Working strands in our project: Carbon group, Water group, Biodiversity and Evolution group, and Citizenship group. Each gourp works in one strand of Environmental Literacy.There are four webpages for each group: introduction, assessment, papers & presentations and teaching materials. More..... |
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Teaching Materials | Teaching materials, including tools for principled reasoning, PowerPoint presentations, and application and inquiry activities at upper elementary, middle school, and high school levels. More..... |
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Assessments | Assessment including written assessments and interviews that can be used to measure students’ levels of achievement in learning progressions before instruction and after instruction. More..... |
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Research Reports | Research Papers are online and ready to be download. It includes papers, PPT files for our presentations, our posters, and ect. More.... |
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Private Pages | It includes most of our research files. User name and password are needed. More.. |
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Contact Us | If you are interested in our project or have any questions regarding our work, please contact us at envlit@msu.edu. You can also contact facilitators or people working in each of the groups. More.... |
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Research Partners | The research partners of our Environmental Literacy Project are AAAS Project 2061, Long Term Ecological Research (LTER), Northwestern University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Michigan. |
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