Introduction & Overview
Tools for reasoning for teaching experiments at elementary, middle and high school level focus on carbon-transforming processes in socio-ecological systems at multiple scales, including cellular and organismal metabolism, ecosystem energetics and carbon cycling, carbon sequestration, and combustion of fossil fuels. To see more details about tools for reasoning and the overview of all moduels, please dowload the files (Word; PDF).
The material in tools for reasoning includes following four parts:
Tool 1. Powers of Ten
- PowerPoint Slides:
- Student Handouts:
- Powers of 10 handouts (download Word)
- Wall chart
Tool 2. Matter and Energy Process Tool
- PowerPoint Slides
- Process Tool slide (download PPT)
- Stuent handouts
- Matter and Energy Process Tool Handouts (download Word)
- Wall chart
Tool 3. Molecular Model Kits
- Teacher kit: 24 hydrogen, 36 oxygen, 6 carbon, 24 nitrogen, and 80 springs.
- Student kit for group of 3 students: 12 hydrogen, 18 oxygen, 6 carbon, 2 nitrogen, and 36-40 springs.
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