Environmental Literacy                                        

      Michigan State University

Carbon cycle
Assessment 12-13

Please plan to do the pre-test within 2 weeks of starting the lessons and post-tests within 2 weeks of ending the lesson. The pre and post test forms are the same.

Online Version: Please set up your classes in the online system a week or more before you want your students to take assessments, in case you need help from your local researcher. You can find instructions for the online system here. http://ibis-live.nrel.colostate.edu/WebContent/WS/MSP/Documents/Teacher%20Tutorial.pdf Link to online system: http://ibis-live.nrel.colostate.edu/MSP/home.php

Paper and pencil versions (only use if you don’t have access to computers)

o   Version A (randomly give half the students this form)
o   Answer key to Version A
o   Version B (randomly give half the students this form)
o   Answer key to Version B
Teacher Feedback Form – We would like your feedback to improve these lessons! Plus, in order to make proper inferences about student learning we would like to understand what actually happened in your classroom. Please fill out this form (download) and return it to your MSP researcher.