Environmental Literacy                                        

      Michigan State University

Biodiversity and Evolution
Assessments 12-13


Online Version: Please contact your local researcher a week or more before you want your students to take assessments so that she can make sure you are set up with the online system. Improvements made to the online system have made it unnecessary for students to spend time making and remembering logins and passwords. However, now, before your students take a test, you have to copy and paste your class roster into the system. You can find instructions for the online system here. http://ibis-live.nrel.colostate.edu/WebContent/WS/MSP/Documents/Teacher%20Tutorial.pdf

Link to online system: http://ibis-live.nrel.colostate.edu/MSP/home.php

Paper and Pencil Version (please only use if you don't have access to computers). Randomly give 1/3 of your students each form (A, B, or C); please make sure to use all three forms evenly.

Form A Form B Form C